Vacation Destinations | Directions to tourist destinations and various interesting information
How To Get A Street Address For A Vacant Lot, , , , , , , 0, Street Address - We Build Signs - Design - Build - Service We Build,, 0 x 0, jpg, Here's the thing: if I purchase a vacant lot, I would want an actual street number/address assigned to it by the city or town so that I can put up a mailbox and receive mail there. I've read mixed thoughts regarding the possibility of this. , 12, how-to-get-a-street-address-for-a-vacant-lot, Vacation Destinations Here's the thing: if I purchase a vacant lot, I would want an actual street number/address assigned to it by the city or town so that I can put up a mailbox and receive mail there. I've read mixed thoughts regarding the possibility of this.
The first step in obtaining an address is to identify the local government office responsible for address assignment, often found within the city or county planning. To find the physical or mailing address for a lot or piece of land, you will first need to locate the lot on a county plat map or other map (i.e., USGS 7.5’ quadrangle) on. In this video, Michael Morrow explains where to go to establish an address for your property.