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How To Cut A Mamey, , , , , , , 0, Cómo hacer Mamey Smoothie or licuado de mamey,, 1200 x 1800, jpeg, You can eat it with a spoon, cut it into cubes, puree it for use in sweet breads, mousses, jams or include it in any suitable recipe you choose. , 12, how-to-cut-a-mamey, Vacation Destinations You can eat it with a spoon, cut it into cubes, puree it for use in sweet breads, mousses, jams or include it in any suitable recipe you choose.
Eat it Fresh: Simply cut the mamey sapote in half, remove the large seed, and scoop out the flesh with a spoon. Enjoy it as is for a sweet and satisfying snack. Blend into Smoothies: Add. To eat it raw, simply cut the fruit in half lengthwise, remove the large seed, and scoop out the flesh with a spoon. You can also slice the fruit and eat it like a melon. Is it safe to eat raw.