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Pahoa Town Lava Flow

Pahoa Town Lava Flow, , , , , , , 0, Lava Flow Enters Pahoa | Hawaii News and Island Information,, 0 x 0, jpg, This aerial view of Kīlauea's June 27th lava flow on November 5, 2014, shows the stalled flow front, about 155 meters (170 yards) from Pāhoa Village Road (lower. The June 27th flow filled and exited the last major crack in its path on September 6, when lava turned north as it escaped the system of cracks, faults, and grabens. , 12, pahoa-town-lava-flow, Vacation Destinations This aerial view of Kīlauea's June 27th lava flow on November 5, 2014, shows the stalled flow front, about 155 meters (170 yards) from Pāhoa Village Road (lower. The June 27th flow filled and exited the last major crack in its path on September 6, when lava turned north as it escaped the system of cracks, faults, and grabens.

Pahoa Town Lava Flow

The activity provided new information about the behavior of pāhoehoe lava flows, as well as lessons about communicating information to the public during a prolonged crisis. Although the.