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Mutual Housing Association Of Hawaii

Mutual Housing Association Of Hawaii, , , , , , , 0, Photo 5 of 7 in The Mutual Housing Association by Dwell - Dwell,, 1760 x 2086, jpeg, Incorporated in 1992, the Mutual Housing Association of Hawaiʻi (Mutual Housing) is a non-profit property development and management organization dedicated to providing quality, safe, and. Koʻoloaʻula is located in East Kapolei nearby the Salvation Army’s Kroc Center and Honolulu’s first rail transit station. This 308-unit complex has been designed to accommodate larger, multi. A complex of 63 two-story apartment buildings with a total of 306 units, Pālolo Homes is situated in a quiet residential neighborhood in Pālolo Valley in Honolulu, within easy reach of the shops. Mutual Housing Association of Hawaii develops, owns, and manages multi-family rental communities, serving families earning 20 to 80 percent of median income. The., 12, mutual-housing-association-of-hawaii, Vacation Destinations Incorporated in 1992, the Mutual Housing Association of Hawaiʻi (Mutual Housing) is a non-profit property development and management organization dedicated to providing quality, safe, and. Koʻoloaʻula is located in East Kapolei nearby the Salvation Army’s Kroc Center and Honolulu’s first rail transit station. This 308-unit complex has been designed to accommodate larger, multi. A complex of 63 two-story apartment buildings with a total of 306 units, Pālolo Homes is situated in a quiet residential neighborhood in Pālolo Valley in Honolulu, within easy reach of the shops. Mutual Housing Association of Hawaii develops, owns, and manages multi-family rental communities, serving families earning 20 to 80 percent of median income. The.

Mutual Housing Association Of Hawaii

Mutual Housing Association Of Hawaii Inc. Honolulu, HI. Tax-exempt since March 1994. EIN: 99-0308739. Subscribe. Receive an email when new data is available for this organization. to develop, own and manage safe, quality, permanently affordable housing for a growing segment of the population who cannot afford a home. APPROXIMATELY 3,000 INDIVIDUALS. Incorporated in 1992, the Mutual Housing Association of Hawai‘i, Inc. owns and self-manages three additional affordable rental housing projects: Lihu‘e Court Townhomes on the island of. Mutual Housing Association of Hawai`i, Inc. Local non-profit that provides affordable rental housing and supportive services for over 980 families. Owns, develops and manages five.