Vacation Destinations | Directions to tourist destinations and various interesting information
How To Remove Seeds From Guava, , , , , , , 0, Free seedless guava 2 Stock Photo -,, 0 x 0, jpg, The way I found to get rid of them and still be able to eat most of the fruit is: Cut the outer fruit off from the center seedy area in 4 to 6 slices. Some of the seeds will still be in those fruit slices, but they push out easily with a thumbnail. , 12, how-to-remove-seeds-from-guava, Vacation Destinations The way I found to get rid of them and still be able to eat most of the fruit is: Cut the outer fruit off from the center seedy area in 4 to 6 slices. Some of the seeds will still be in those fruit slices, but they push out easily with a thumbnail.