Vacation Destinations | Directions to tourist destinations and various interesting information
How Big Do Dumbo Rats Get, , , , , , , 0, Dumbo Rats: All You Need to Know – Understanding Pet Fancy Rats,, 0 x 0, jpg, How Big Do Dumbo Rats Get? There’s no difference in size between dumbo rats and other fancy rats. The only exception is dwarf rats which have a smaller body size compared to regular-sized fancy rats. In terms of weight, you can expect your rats to range. , 12, how-big-do-dumbo-rats-get, Vacation Destinations How Big Do Dumbo Rats Get? There’s no difference in size between dumbo rats and other fancy rats. The only exception is dwarf rats which have a smaller body size compared to regular-sized fancy rats. In terms of weight, you can expect your rats to range.
Dumbo rats require slightly bigger wire cages than other rodents. A good minimum cage size for them is about two cubic feet. You can get a bigger cage if you’d like,.