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Do Rats Eat Hay, , , , , , , 0, 8 Interesting Facts About Rats | Britannica,, 0 x 0, jpg, Hay is fine. Unlike rabbits and guinea pigs, hay is not food for rats. Rats' digestive tracts can't fully break down the cellulose in hay to derive nutrients from it. They may nibble on it or eat it a little bit. It won't harm them but I probably wouldn't give my rats treats made from hay because. Hay for Rodents: Can Rats Eat Hay? With hay playing a critical role in the health of rabbits and guinea pigs, it’s natural to wonder if it can benefit rats as well. The. Hay is safe, just not a source of nutrition for them. They can eat it and it won't harm them tho. I use prepackaged Timothy hay with mine as a different enrichment and bedding opportunity.. Timothy hay is unsafe for rats as they can't digest it. They do not have enough enzymes in their stomach to probably break it down. It causes bowel., 12, do-rats-eat-hay, Vacation Destinations Hay is fine. Unlike rabbits and guinea pigs, hay is not food for rats. Rats' digestive tracts can't fully break down the cellulose in hay to derive nutrients from it. They may nibble on it or eat it a little bit. It won't harm them but I probably wouldn't give my rats treats made from hay because. Hay for Rodents: Can Rats Eat Hay? With hay playing a critical role in the health of rabbits and guinea pigs, it’s natural to wonder if it can benefit rats as well. The. Hay is safe, just not a source of nutrition for them. They can eat it and it won't harm them tho. I use prepackaged Timothy hay with mine as a different enrichment and bedding opportunity.. Timothy hay is unsafe for rats as they can't digest it. They do not have enough enzymes in their stomach to probably break it down. It causes bowel.
When it comes to choosing hay for your rat, there are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind. First, consider your rat’s age and health. Younger rats need more protein and calcium in their. While looking on Oxbow's site (to see if their essentials diet for rat was non-GMO or not), I came across that they recommended putting hay in yours rats' cage for.