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Aloha Ke Akua Translation

Aloha Ke Akua Translation, , , , , , , 0, Aloha Ke Akua by Na Kahu - Aloha Ke Akua Ministries,, 0 x 0, jpg, Hawaiian-to-English translation is made accessible with the dictionary. Accurate translations for words, phrases, and texts online. Fast, and free. In Hawaiian, “Ke Akua” translates to “the god” or “the deity.” It is a powerful term used to refer to the divine presence, acknowledging the spirituality and sacredness. Ke Akua pu a hauʻoli iā ʻoe Translation: May God bless you. Example: When sending a formal message to someone, you might say, “Ke Akua pu a hauʻoli iā ʻoe” to. Greetings! Hello! Good-by! Farewell! Alas! The common greetings follow: Aloha ʻoe, may you be loved or greeted, greetings (to one person). Aloha kāua, may there be friendship or love., 12, aloha-ke-akua-translation, Vacation Destinations Hawaiian-to-English translation is made accessible with the dictionary. Accurate translations for words, phrases, and texts online. Fast, and free. In Hawaiian, “Ke Akua” translates to “the god” or “the deity.” It is a powerful term used to refer to the divine presence, acknowledging the spirituality and sacredness. Ke Akua pu a hauʻoli iā ʻoe Translation: May God bless you. Example: When sending a formal message to someone, you might say, “Ke Akua pu a hauʻoli iā ʻoe” to. Greetings! Hello! Good-by! Farewell! Alas! The common greetings follow: Aloha ʻoe, may you be loved or greeted, greetings (to one person). Aloha kāua, may there be friendship or love.

Aloha Ke Akua

Aloha Ke Akua


Aloha Ke Akua

Aloha Ke Akua


4+ Chords for Aloha Ke Akua Piano Sheet Music [Beginner Piano Sheet

4+ Chords for Aloha Ke Akua Piano Sheet Music [Beginner Piano Sheet


Aloha Ke Akua | Christian Academy

Aloha Ke Akua | Christian Academy


Aloha Ke Akua Translation

Aloha mai e: I invite aloha to you (An appropriate salutation in a letter) Aloha wau ia 'oe: I love you (Note: wau is with a soft "v") E hana me ka ha`aha`a: Let us work with humbleness `Ehia ou. The common greetings follow: Aloha ʻoe, may you be loved or greeted, greetings (to one person). Aloha kāua, may there be friendship or love between us, greetings (to one person); dear Sir.. We know “Aloha” means “Love”, and “Ke Akua” means “God”. The full phrase “He aloha ke Akua” would translate to "God is Love". While more commonly in our day we. “Aloha Ke Akua” translates to “the breath of life and the love of God,” and Nahko believes that speaking this language with intention holds mana, or big power. He. E Hawaiʻi aloha ē Nā ke Akua E mālama mai iâ ʻoe Kou mau kualona aloha nei Kou mau kahawai ʻōlinolino mau Kou mau māla pua nani ē O Hawaiʻi, o sands of my birth My native home I.